Quantum Materials for Quantum Sensing and Dark Matter Detection

The projected reach of heavy scalar mediated DM scattering via phonons from solid helium.

Despite sustained efforts, direct detection of dark matter remains elusive. Propelled by cutting-edge advances in detector sensitivity and innovative proposals employing quantum materials, the search for dark matter has recently expanded to lower masses, encompassing well-motivated theories for light and ultralight candidates. However, detecting these low-mass candidates remains a formidable challenge, requiring target materials that exhibit measurable responses with just a few meV of energy deposition from dark matter scattering or absorption.

This burgeoning realm of quantum sensing exploits exotic phenomena in quantum materials, such as topological order, strong correlations, and magnetic spin textures as new pathways to low-threshold sensors, with applications across quantum information science and future quantum technologies. My work leverages a menagerie of condensed phases—including topological insulators, Dirac semimetals, and frustrated magnets—tuned through parameters like strain, pressure, and doping, to develop low-threshold quantum sensors.

Recent and Current Projects

  • Topological sensing via phonons in topological crystalline insulators, particularly for light DM detection.

  • Single-magnon quantum sensing in antiferromagnetic topological insulators.

  • Modeling and mitigating phonon decoherence channels in athermal phonon sensors.

  • Exploration of emergent magnetic monopoles in spin ice for quantum sensing.

  • Pressure tuning of detector targets, offering control of functional range and background signal discrimination.

Relevant Publications and Preprints

(2024). Non-pair-breaking topological quantum sensing of collective excitations. In Preparation.


(2024). Topological crystalline insulators for light dark matter direct detection with phonons. In Preparation.


(2025). Theoretical investigation of decoherence channels in athermal phonon sensors. J. Phys. Condens. Matter.

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