Topological Insulators, Altermagnets, and other Quantum Materials

Surface states of HfTe5 measured via ARPES and calculated via DFT.

I frequently collaborate with experimental groups to guide and explain their findings across a diverse range of quantum materials.

Recent and Current Projects

  • Identifying multiple topological gaps and hexagonal warping in the layered topological insulator Bi4Te3.

  • Studying the role of defects and strain in topological phase transition in quasi-one-dimensional HfTe5.

  • Elucidating the role of the crystal field in the g-wave altermagnet CoNb4Se8, an intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide.

  • Developing models to explain Turing pattern formation in rare earth hexagonal manganites.

Publications and Preprints

(2024). Non-relativistic spin splitting above and below the Fermi level in a *g*-wave altermagnet. arXiv.

Cite arXiv

(2024). Investigation of the nanoscale stability of the hexagonal rare earth manganites. In Preparation.


(2022). Multiple Strong Topological Gaps and Hexagonal Warping in Bi4Te3. Physical Review B.

Cite DOI

(2024). Effects of strain, defects, and interactions on the topological properties of HfTe5. Phys. Rev. B.

Cite DOI

(2017). Femtosecond laser induced structural dynamics and melting of Cu (111) single crystal: an ultrafast time-resolved x-ray diffraction study. Journal of Applied Physics.

Cite DOI