Topological Insulators, Altermagnets, and other Quantum Materials

Surface states of HfTe$_5$ measured via ARPES and calculated via DFT.

I frequently collaborate with experimental groups to guide and explain their findings across a diverse range of quantum materials.

Recent and Current Projects

  • Identifying multiple topological gaps and hexagonal warping in the layered topological insulator Bi$_4$Te$_3$.

  • Studying the role of defects and strain in topological phase transition in quasi-one-dimensional HfTe$_5$.

  • Elucidating the role of the crystal field in the $g$-wave altermagnet CoNb$_4$Se$_8$, an intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide.

  • Developing models to explain Turing pattern formation in rare earth hexagonal manganites.

Publications and Preprints

(2024). Non-relativistic spin splitting above and below the Fermi level in a *g*-wave altermagnet. arXiv.

Cite arXiv

(2024). Investigation of the nanoscale stability of the hexagonal rare earth manganites. In Preparation.


(2022). Multiple Strong Topological Gaps and Hexagonal Warping in Bi$_4$Te$_3$. Physical Review B.

Cite DOI

(2024). Effects of strain, defects, and interactions on the topological properties of HfTe$_5$. Phys. Rev. B.

Cite DOI

(2017). Femtosecond laser induced structural dynamics and melting of Cu (111) single crystal: an ultrafast time-resolved x-ray diffraction study. Journal of Applied Physics.

Cite DOI